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We provide a support service in the furnishings, with scrutiny visit for space measurement, and assistance after purchase. Do you want to learn new furniture? Find Mopar Furnishings via Ausa 26 Cerasolo di Coriano in the province of Rimini. Visit us and you will have architects who will be happy to advise you in the furnishings of your home and in choosing a metal office furniture . Our architects will teach you how to design furniture materials, including office furniture in metal finish. We will be able to offer exclusive design products and services to best enhance your space according to your needs. For your needs, ask our architects. We are open: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 12:30 and afternoon from 2:30 to 7:30 pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00 to 12:30 - 15:00 to 19:30 and we are closed on Sunday morning. If you want Office furniture in the metal finishing to better enrich your spaces, our point of sale is the place where you can buy metal office furniture proposals and find everything you most like. Discover discount products on our website Outlet .